Meryl Streep takes a portrait of the right side of her face and
 the left side of Hilary Clinton's, thereby proving...
something.   (Photo from Gawker)

Researchers Nicola Bruno and Marco Bertamini have recently published a zippy little article on PLoS ONE that examines trends in self-portraits taken by non-artists.

Apparently it has long been established that artists tend to paint the left side of other people's faces, while favouring the right side when they're painting their own faces. Bruno and Bertamini decided to see if pedestrian, uncreative folks would do the opposite, in terms of their iPhone self-portraiture: in other words, take photos of the left side of their own faces. 

That turned out to be absolutely wrong, but also right, because of the way that the iPhone's front camera shows the picture-taker a mirrored view, and then saves the photo unreversed. After analyzing over 200 iPhone selfies, the researchers found that non-artists tended to try to photograph their right-ernmost profiles, even though the actual photos didn't work out that way... or wait... I'm so confused about this. I think Nicola and Marco are basically saying that Stars Are Just Like Us, but I'm not at all sure I understand their descriptions of either their methods or their results, and now my brain hurts.

Bruno and Bertamini also do not discuss how they determined that their research subjects were non-artists. Perhaps they could tell from the smell.